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Code of Conduct

At Alex Aitken learning flourishes because of a climate where caring relationships are created.

The school’s Code of Conduct applies in the classroom, on school grounds, on the way to and from school, on day and overnight field trips, and while participating in school activities. Special consideration may apply to students with special needs who may be unable to follow expectations due to disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioral nature.

Expectations for Students
Staff members handle inappropriate student behaviour immediately in a manner that explores acceptable levels of behaviour and plans for appropriate behaviour in the future. School District 79 behavioural policies will be followed in more serious cases such as fighting, bullying, intimidation, discrimination and harassment. A plan of action will be decided upon after discussion with all concerned parties. Consequences will be determinded based on each individual case.

Our school wide discipline policy is designed to help students choose to be self-disciplined, to behave in an appropriate, responsible manner and to develop self-motivation toward their learning. Each year, all students and staff participate in a Behavioural Tour that provides detailed expectations for behaviour for common areas throughout the school. Each teacher gives guidelines within his or her class for expected behaviour and provides practice in classroom procedures.

It is the basic right of each student to obtain a quality education in a safe, positive and caring environment. No one has the right to disrupt this process.

Cell phones should be silenced at school unless the teacher or school administration has given the student express permission. Emergency phone calls may be made through the office.

Playground Expectations
A respectful and common-sense approach governs all playground activity. Students will conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrates good sportsmanship and does not pose a threat to the physical safety or emotional well-being of others. Abusive language, physicality, swearin, name-calling, bullying and threats are unacceptable.

Consequences (see Code of Conduct pamphlet)
These consequences are set according to the age and developmental stage of the student. Teachers help the student to review, practice and remember what is expected.

A photo of staff from 1998/1999

Dress Code
It is expected that children will arrive at school appropriately dressed to honour the school learning environment and the weather of the day. Clothing should be modest, socially acceptable, not promoting the use of drugs and/or alcohol, make racial inferences or promote violence. Tops with bare midriffs and clothes that do not cover underwear should be avoided. Flip flop sandals and platform shoes are difficult to walk in and may promote accidents. Hats are not permitted in indoor common areas. We ask our students to use good judgement, take responsibility and show respect for themselves and others.

Cell Phones
We prefer that students not bring cell phones to school. If electronic devices are brought to school they are to be safely stored in the student’s backpack. The school cannot be responsible for lost or stolen property.

Peaceful Problem-Solving Strategy W.I.T.S.
Walk away
Talk it out
Seek help

The Principal reserves the right to modify the Discipline Cycle as necessary.